Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening

As we age, our teeth lose the brilliant whiteness that implies good dental health and youth. The unsightly stains associated with tobacco, dark liquids, and other factors can leave us feeling less-than-confident about our smiles. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this dental problem: cosmetic tooth whitening. Our practice provides convenient, take-home tooth-whitening programs and in-office opalescence tooth whitening to our patients.
Take your first step to feeling good, looking great and making a memorable impression every time you smile. You owe it to yourself! Call our office today to schedule your bleaching appointment! (A cleaning is recommended prior to the whitening session)

Noticeably brighter in 1 visit

Minimal Irritation

Available during every visit

Top 5 Services

The Poelman Membership Plan is an annual reduced-fee savings plan for families and individuals without dental insurance coverage that allows all Members to receive quality dental services at greatly reduced prices. Unlike conventional insurance plans, with PMP there are no deductibles, no yearly maximums, and no waiting periods to begin treatment. PMP benefits coverage begins immediately on plan registration.

Benefits include:
• Up to two standard teeth cleanings with fluoride applications per year
• Up to two complete dental examinations with oral cancer evaluations
• Digital Images for annual exam
• A 20% reduction in fees on all dental procedures
• A 50% reduction in fees on sealants up to age 18
• A 50% reduction in fees on custom bleaching trays

Benefits include:
• Up to four standard teeth cleanings with fluoride applications per year
• Up to two complete dental examinations with oral cancer evaluations
• Diagnostic digital images for annual exam
• A 25% reduction in fees on all dental procedures
• A 50% reduction in fees on sealants up to age 18
• A 50% reduction in fees on custom bleaching trays


[practice-city], [practice-state] [practice-zip]


Call us today!

Office Hours

Mon - Thurs: 8am - 5pm
FrI: By Appt Only

