Poelman Membership Plan
Sign up and start saving today!
Who can join? Anyone without a traditional dental insurance plan!
Poelman Membership Plan is a dental savings plan run by our office to help promote good dental health...while making quality family and cosmetic dentistry more affordable. Choose the plan that fits your needs. Pay the yearly membership fee and receive regular preventive care at no cost and fee reductions on any recommended treatment.
Benefits include:
• Up to two standard teeth cleanings with fluoride applications per year
• Up to two complete dental examinations with oral cancer evaluations
• Digital Images for annual exam
• A 20% reduction in fees on all dental procedures
• A 50% reduction in fees on sealants up to age 18
• A 50% reduction in fees on custom bleaching trays
The Poelman Membership Plan Basic fee is $585 for an initial plan member and only $550 for each additional family member. Eligible family members include a spouse and dependent children under the age of 19 (up to age 23 if the dependent child is a full-time student). All Plan membership fees are payable in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Plan duration is for one year from the registration date.
Please notify our office 48 hours in advance, if you must change a scheduled appointment. A missed appointment fee of $100 will be charged for all missed dental appointments.
Benefits include:
• Up to four standard teeth cleanings with fluoride applications per year
• Up to two complete dental examinations with oral cancer evaluations
• Diagnostic digital images for annual exam
• A 25% reduction in fees on all dental procedures
• A 50% reduction in fees on sealants up to age 18
• A 50% reduction in fees on custom bleaching trays
The Poelman Membership Premium Plan fee is $895.00 for an initial plan member and only $850.00 for each additional family member. Eligible family members include a spouse and dependent children under the age of 19 (up to age 23 if the dependent child is a full-time student). All plan membership fees are payable in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Plan duration is for one year from the registration date.
Please notify our office 48 hours in advance, if you must change a scheduled appointment. A missed appointment fee of $100 will be charged for all missed dental appointments.
Exclusions and Limitations
• Demonstrated non-compliance with recommended course of treatment.
• Services which Dr. Poelman does not deem necessary or recommended for the patient’s dental health.
• Restoration, splints or other appliances used to restore or maintain occlusion or for treatment of disturbances
of the temporomandibular joint.
• Dispensing of drugs not normally supplied in a dental office.
• Loss or theft of dentures or bridgework.
• Lost or broken appliances.
• Services for injuries or conditions which are covered under Worker’s Compensation or Employer’s Liability Insurance.
• Periodontics, Endodontics, Oral Surgery or Pedodontics requiring the services of a non-participating dentist or any procedures performed in a hospital.
PMP participants cannot use any other dental coverage in conjunction with this plan and cannot be used with any other discounts. It is the participant’s responsibility to schedule preventative care and recommended treatment before expiration of the benefit year.
Choose from 2 different plans
Up to 4 cleanings per year
Free digital X-rays
20% discount on all treatment
50% discount on sealants
50% discount on bleaching trays
Great for families
Great for self employed
Great for seniors