UPDATED 5/1: Coronavirus Health Alert

Updated 5/1/20

It's been a few weeks since we've sent you an update so we wanted to send you a quick message. 

While we don't quite have a tentative date to resume all treatment yet, we are busy preparing and getting ready for as soon as we are allowed to resume all appointments.

As you can imagine, we are rapidly adapting to new guidelines laid out by the CDC and the state of California in order to comply with new social distancing guidelines.

If you have an appointment in the next couple of weeks, please be advised we will be moving your appointment to later in the month and we will notify you once we've found a similar day of the week and time as your originally scheduled appointment.

We do have staff in the office M-F, 8-5 to take your call or email if you need to call and request a specific change to your appointment. 

Here are some more details you should know:

  • If you have a dental emergency or in pain, please call us at 858-487-1234. This means serious pain, a broken tooth, an abscess, or any other oral related infections or complications.
  • For ALL re-scheduling questions, please direct your emails to info@powayqualitydental.com as we have limited staff available to take non-emergency calls.

Rest assured that Dr. Poelman will be available by phone or email for you if you have any questions.

-Dr. Gordon Poelman and the team at Gordon Poelman DDS

Updated 3/31/20

In light of the continued state and federal mandated measures, we are required to extend our limited treatment period.

We believe that it is our responsibility to continue these policies that will reduce transmission and help to protect our community while allowing us to care for those patients who are in need of emergency treatment.

Continuing as of April 1, 2020, all elective treatment procedures will be postponed or rescheduled to a later date.  This policy and it's criteria will thereafter be re-evaluated every week and modified on the basis of current information and status of the situation.

Here are some more details you should know:

  • If you have a dental emergency or in pain, please call us at 858-487-1234. This means serious pain, a broken tooth, an abscess, or any other oral related infections or complications.
  • For ALL re-scheduling questions, please direct your emails to info@powayqualitydental.com as we have limited staff available to take non-emergency calls.

Rest assured that Dr. Poelman will be available by phone or email for you if you have any questions.

-Dr. Gordon Poelman and the team at Gordon Poelman DDS


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Mon - Thurs: 8am - 5pm
FrI: By Appt Only

